LOVE is All I need Adult black Hoodie

159,00 lei

Black LOVE is all I need adult long sleeve T-shirt from the WoW MoM ® Capsule Collection. We believe in love and want to see and hear it more often ❤️.

Love can also stimulate other positive feelings, such as empathy, compassion, and generosity, which can contribute to better mental and physical health.

Love can also help reduce stress and increase happiness. In general, love is essential for our emotional and mental health and can play a crucial role in developing and maintaining relationships with those around us.

That is why it is often considered to be all we can need in life, as it can provide a wide range of benefits to ourselves and others.

Blouse with 1x1 ribbed collar, waist and cuffs with elastane. Reinforced tape to cover the collar seam.

COMPOSITION material 50% cotton / 50% polyester, quilted on the inside, 280 g/m².

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